Saturday, December 20, 2008

short funny love poems

It uses words as tools for the transmission of experience. If you currently having troubles in your relationship, it is good to take time and reflect where you are with your relationship.

The point is to express your feelings as honestly and clearly as possible. Make sure you are happy with it before the reading, the last thing you want to do is decide that it's not that appropriate on the day. Even if your poem won't win any literary prizes, the person you present it to will most likely treasure it as if it were composed by one of the great Romantic poets.

You might not be an artistic or creative person. Remember, she is not looking for a great piece of poetry nor does she visualize you as a great poet. The point is to express love to that special someone not win a poetry award.

For more tips and techniques on composing poetry, look around the net. If you are giving it to read, put in a love card.

List Of Sad Poems ground rules

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