Tuesday, November 4, 2008

baby handprint poem

What better way to show your love and devotion to one another when using wedding poetry at your wedding. You need not dig deep to find a fitting poem to use on your special day.

Writing your own romantic love poem or finding one already written for you is a great idea for a birthday gift for your spouse. Love poems need not be long, short, good, bad or ugly in order to work. Sometime you find yourself not saying anything at all and that can be even worse than saying the wrong thing.

Several different line rhyming patterns can be used especially if your poem will be a Quatrain. Let your love for her flow out spontaneously in a few lines of verse. This is a celebration of your loved ones life, you shouldn't feel that it is necessary to find poems which are too morbid, if you want something up beat and cheerful then do it.

Many love poems are short and simple, evoking vivid imagery and speaking to the details of a lover. This is a great way for those that are able to express their feelings on paper to do so and share those words to help heal the grief experienced by other family members as well.

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